Category: Aquaponics

  • Setting Up an Aquaponic Farm

    Setting Up an Aquaponic FarmIn a world where everything is done on the run and more and more people complain about their lack of time, starting a new activity seems as a way of social suicide (you will have less time to see your friends and your family). This is why many people are quite…

  • Reasons for Taking Up Aquaponic Farming

    Reasons for Taking Up Aquaponic FarmingWith the many scam business plans and systems promising you to solve all you problems with minimum effort and investment, putting your hopes into another, completely new activity seems unfeasible. Some people are less willing to try new things for fear of not getting scammed. However, this new aquaponic system…

  • Introduction to Aquaponics

    Introduction to AquaponicsAquaponics is a fairly new system of food production, but it is rapidly gaining popularity due to its many advantages, especially in the context of the rising food prices. In this short introduction to aquaponics, we’ll explain what Aquaponics involves and mention some of its many advantages. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture…

  • How Fishes Can Help You Grow Tasty Vegetables with Aquaponics

    How Fishes Can Help You Grow Tasty Vegetables with AquaponicsVegetables are necessary for a balanced diet. They offer you all the vitamins and minerals your body needs in order to develop properly. Unfortunately, vegetables have become quite expensive lately and fewer producers choose to grow organic vegetables. This is why their quality has become poorer…

  • Growing Your Own Veggies Has Never Been So Easy with Aquaponics

    Growing Your Own Veggies Has Never Been So Easy with AquaponicsHaving a balanced nutrition based mainly on vegetables and lean meat is essential in order to keep your body healthy and in good shape. However, with the prices increasing continuously and with the genetically modified crops increasing their amount day by day, having a healthy…

  • Growing Plants on Unfertile Land with Aquaponics

    Growing Plants on Unfertile Land with AquaponicsGardening and growing vegetables is a passion many people share. They like to see how a simple seed grows and passes through different stages until it reaches maturity and makes fruits. Also, they love to see how their efforts pay off and they finally get to taste the veggies…

  • Grow Fish and Vegetables in Your Garage with Aquaponics

    Grow Fish and Vegetables in Your Garage with AquaponicsHave you ever thought that you can transform your garage in a greenhouse with a minimum investment and effort? If you love freshly harvested vegetables and love fish, then is high time that you did something for you and your family and the best thing you can…

  • Gain Power Over Your Food With an Aquaponic System

    Gain Power Over Your Food With an Aquaponic SystemWith the economy going out of control, finding cheap yet qualitative products has become a challenge even for the savviest shoppers. It seems like all prices have gone wild and you have to pay a fortune just to have a normal, balanced diet. Usually, the products which…

  • Fish In Aquaponics

    Fish In AquaponicsIn aquaponics you will be growing vegetables and fish. Fish are a tasty food source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids – both essential for good health. Many people would think that it is extremely hard to grow fish in your own home or in your backyard, but with an aquaponics system…

  • Feeding Your Aquaponics Fish

    Feeding Your Aquaponics FishFeeding your aquaponics fish is one of your daily tasks when running an Aquaponics system. It is vital for the fish and in turn essential for the production of plant nutrients. In this article we’ll talk about the what, when and how to feed your fish. We’ll also talk about using auto-feeders…